Hello and welcome! If you are finding someone to help you create and deliver Name Card Printing JB and Print Name Card JB, you are in the right place! We are here to help you create a special and unique design Name Card Printing JB and Print Name Card JB which suitable and just for you, we will help you print it out and deliver to you for your convenience. Do not hesitate to ask, come and get your own Name Card Printing JB and Print Name Card JB right now! For more information about Name Card Printing JB and Print Name Card JB, you can refer the texts below.
Making Process Content of Print Name Card Printing JB
If you want to print Print Name Card Printing JB, you need to decide what you want to show on the Print Name Card Printing JB.The information is provided on the main body of Print Name Card Printing JB. Details about the Print Name Card Printing JB consists mainly of text , pictures (patterns), and logos of the units. Digital information is one of those, too, but it can not be the standard of Print Name Card Printing JB.
1. Information selection: Most of the text information consists of the name of the unit, name of the Print Name Card Printing JB holder, title and contact method. Some Print Name Card Printing JB have a company theme, a range of text options, the slogan of a unit or supporting names.
2. Logo selection: If users of the unit have their own company logo, they mostly need to print Print Name Card Printing JB. If your company is a big national company, our database may contain your company logo, you can choose from it; if you do not have your own logo, you must notify us. If you consent to our logo collection, you can print your Print Name Card Printing JB without sending the logo next time.
3. Picture selection: You can also add some of your details like personal photos, pictures, shading, calligraphy works and simple maps on the Print Name Card Printing JB so that your Print Name Card Printing JB will be more personal. You no need to think about the size of pictures when you use offset printing or laser printing. But, we are suggest you to use a larger picture to prevent the the pictures become lower resolution when you want to use screen printing.
Making Process Design of Print Name Card Printing JB
You need to find a Print Name Card Printing JB template you like for your Print Name Card Printing JB if you want to have your own Print Name Card Printing JB. You can design the template by yourself if you did not find a template that you like. And if you feel like you do not have the idea to create a template, you can ask us to help you in design the template too, but you need to provide a draft for us and the cost you think you can it is suitable for your Print Name Card Printing JB.
1. Use template:
You no need to worry about the templates this is because our Print Name Card Printing JB center can provides you to choose among a lot of beautiful Print Name Card Printing JB we designed and printed in the past by based on the way we print. At the same time, we will update the templates by delete the outdated templates and add in new ones. We are also authorized to temporarily store your Print Name Card Printing JB templates if you are a member of ours and have printed Print Name Card Printing JB in our company. So, when you want to make an order next time, you can just tell us the name and password.
2. Design by yourself:
It is not a problem but the perfect option that you making your own Print Name Card Printing JB, because you are the one who understand what you need to show up in the Print Name Card Printing JB. You can design based on your preference, you also no need to do the proofreading and the time of delivery your Print Name Card Printing JB will be shorter. Joyinker is the suggested Print Name Card Printing JB designer from us in the market. This is because you can have your own Print Name Card Printing JB by just doing some simple steps, you can also provide your favorite Print Name Card Printing JB template. It introduces the integrated and easy steps of its own design, online uploading orders, online payment, and home delivery, which really satisfy the social needs by getting their own Print Name Card Printing JB without going out.
Making Process of Print Name Card Printing JB
Before you print your own Name Card Printing JB, you need to decide what is the way to print the Name Card Printing JB. This is because different ways to print the Name Card Printing JB will decide the use of different Name Card Printing JB carriers, and also it will affects the cost of printing Name Card Printing JB.
You also need to decide how many times you wanted to print on the Name Card Printing JB after you have chosen the way you print the Name Card Printing JB. This is because colour of the Name Card Printing JB is also one of the important factors to decide the price of the Name Card Printing JB.
You need to deiced what you want to print on the Name Card Printing JB too when you if you want to print Name Card Printing JB. The information that you want to show to others is on the main body of Name Card Printing JB. The information of Name Card Printing JB are mostly composed with text, pictures (patterns), and unit logos. Digital information is one of them as well, but it cannot be the mainstream of Name Card Printing JB.
Before you print the Name Card Printing JB, you need to find a templates that you like.You can choose to design your own template if you do not like the templates that you found or showed to you.
Name Card Printing JB Printing
We can see that there are three main types of Name Card Printing JB printing currently. The easiest one is laser printing, and followed by offset printing, silkscreen printing is the most complicated. Currently, most of the Name Card JB Printing printing shops are using laser printing and offset printing, and it is rare that people using silkscreen printing.
After the completion of printing offset Name Card Printing JB and special Name Card Printing JB, boxes is the only item required for delivery. Most of the time, hot stamping procedures are necessary. The post-processing of Name Card Printing JB is computer card paper commonly.
Making Process Post-Processing of Print Name Card Printing JB
After the completion of printing offset Print Name Card Printing JB and special Print Name Card Printing JB, boxes is the only item required for delivery. Most of the time, hot stamping procedures are necessary. The post-processing of Print Name Card Printing JB is computer card paper commonly. This is because the paper which has bigger format and thin paper cannot be used intermediately, it has to be post-processed for example plastic, die-cutting, bronzing, and boxing.
1. Plastic Packaging:
Computer card paper has to be thickened, plastic packaging is the only way to make it becomes thick. Plastic Print Name Card Printing JB are prevalent in China from years ago, and the Plastic Print Name Card Printing JB are still a major form of Print Name Card Printing JB production presently. they have to be cut into Print Name Card Printing JB after done molded.
2. Cut Card:
Cut the plastic card paper into Print Name Card Printing JB. Before the Print Name Card Printing JB can be used they need to cut the computer Print Name Card Printing JB. To produce computer Print Name Card Printing JB, the key procedure is Print Name Card Printing JB cutting.
3. Hot stamping:
Most of the customers of computer Print Name Card Printing JB and offset Print Name Card Printing JB ask for the hot stamping on logo or company name. Hot stamping is the final procedure in printing the Print Name Card Printing JB. Special bronzing machine will be used to bronze for stamping different colors of anodized aluminum materials on Print Name Card Printing JB.
4. Drumming:
To have a crystal drumming effect on the Print Name Card Printing JB, they must go through a procedure called drumming.It is a process of melting the resin powder and apply to the text by using an embossing machine.
5. Indentation:
Use an indentation machine to compress text or graphics on Print Name Card Printing JB into bumps or depressions. This craft Print Name Card Printing JB is a special craft.
6. Die-cutting:
The procedure of die-cutting is using a die-cutting machine to die-cut Print Name Card Printing JB. Print Name Card Printing JB can be cut into different shapes with the different shapes of the knife die.
7. Cartoning:
This is an easy procedure of putting the Print Name Card Printing JB into a special Print Name Card Printing JB packaging box as the completion of entire process of Print Name Card Printing JB after the Print Name Card Printing JB are done designed and produced.
Through social growth and the desires of consumers, imitation gold Print Name Card Printing JB emerge which are distinct from bronzing Print Name Card Printing JB.
Making Process Printing Method of Print Name Card Printing JB
Before you print your own Print Name Card Printing JB, you need to decide what is the way to print the Print Name Card Printing JB. This is because different ways to print the Print Name Card Printing JB will decide the use of different Print Name Card Printing JB carriers, and also it will affects the cost of printing Print Name Card Printing JB.
1. Computer digital Print Name Card Printing JB: computer and colour laser printer are mostly used for printing Name Card Printing JB. The common size of paper that used for printing Name Card Printing JB is 292 × 197mm, and each of the paper can be cut into ten Name Card Printing JB. The characteristics of computer and colour laser printer are it has a super fast printing speed, typesetting and printing are an easy one step, the quality of the Name Card Printing JB produced is guarenteed. The most importantly, a box of simple Name Card Printing JB can be completed within 30 minutes from order receiving, typesetting to delivery. The high quality and timeliness of digital Name Card Printing JB makes it a common method for the development of Name Card Printing JB.
2. Offset Name Card Printing JB: A type of Name Card Printing JB that can only be printed with the help of a computer, a black and white laser printer, a plate printer, and a Name Card Printing JB offset press. 90 × 55mm Name Card Printing JB special paper is uses for the printing of Name Card Printing JB, and only one card can be printed on each paper. The features are the creativity of Name Card Printing JB can be fully expressed, and it is also the current form of traditional Name Card Printing JB printing. The disadvantages are the printing speed is slower, the delivery cycle is longer, the price is higher and the quantity is lower.
3. Special Name Card Printing JB: the only type Name Card Printing JB that need to be printed with computers, laser printers, plate-making machines, and small screen printers. This type of Name Card Printing JB is not using paper but media as carrier, and the media size is generally 90 × 54mm. The general media is more think and hard than common Name Card Printing JB paper, it is suitable for high-end, personalized Name Card Printing JB, but the grades are depending on the media used. The disadvantages of using this printing method are it is complicated to use screen printing, Name Card Printing JB media are very extra, the ordering cycle of Name Card Printing JB is long and it is expensive.
Making Process Printing of Print Name Card Printing JB
We can found three main types of Name Card Printing JB printing currently. The easiest one is laser printing, and followed by offset printing, silkscreen printing is the most complicated. Currently, most of the Name Card Printing JB printing shops are using laser printing and offset printing, and it is rarely to see people using silkscreen printing.
1. Laser Printing:
This type of printing method is the most common printing way nowadays. Offset printing and screen printing are also cannot be separated from laser printing, and their simple plate making is also done by laser printing. The laser printing nowadays can be divided into two types, which are black and color, and they can make computer Name Card Printing JB in different grades respectively.
2. Offset Printing:
It is a type of printing ways that used for traditional Name Card Printing JB. they ways to use is much more complex than computer Name Card Printing JB. First thing first, the ready Name Card Printing JB template must be printed on the transfer paper or printed into a film (color picture with a network cable). Next, the transfer paper or film have to be used with the printing machine to print the Name Card Printing JB template on the PS printing plate for Name Card Printing JB. Lastly, you now can print after put in the printed PS plate on the Name Card Printing JB offset press.
3. Screen Printing:
This type of printing method is rarely to use in Name Card Printing JB printing this is because it is not suitable to print on paper. Screen printing is like offset printing, you also need to print the complete Name Card Printing JB template on a transfer paper, or print the film, before using a special screen printing machine to transfer the transferred paper or the Name Card Printing JB template on the film. After that, then put the screen printing plate on the screen printing machine to print.
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